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    Ocean Sky, 2018

    Sculpture with two hologram panels on plexiglass 20 x 18"
    Edition of two



Printed with Dr. John Perry ay Holographics North, USA

Sam Moree, Ocean Sky

  • Sam Moree is an artist best know for his rainbow holography, often bringing video and sculpture into his artworks.

    Moree is renowned for his sculptural pieces that incorporate holograms and his work with rainbow holography. In 1996 he was awarded a fellowship at the Academy of Media Arts (KHM) Cologne, Germany. Some of Moreeʼs most notable exhibitions have been at Center Pompidou in 1985; the Kuntshalle Hamburg in 1987; Pulhiem Museum of Holography in 1985; and the Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida 1999.

    Sam Moree was closely associated with the New York Museum of Holography in SoHo where he participated in numerous exhibitions and presented the inspired solo show, ʻFluxʼ in 1982.


    Sam Moree co-founded the New York Holographic Laboratories in 1977 with Dan Schweitzer and joined the Center for the Holographic Arts in 2001 enabling a number of artists from around the world to produce stunning holographic artwork. As well as being a mentor for many well-known holographers, Moree teaches a holography class for the School of Visual Arts in his Manhattan studio.



©2019 Hologram Foundation in partnership with 

Center for the Holographic Arts

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